Designation : Principal Scientist
Qualifications: PhD in Veterinary Medicine,Field of Specialization : Haemoprotozoan diseases of animals
Research Interests
Host-parasite interacting proteins play a major role. These proteins are thought to participate in host-cell recognition and thereby enhances invasion of the parasite into the host red blood cell. Information on these proteins of Theileria equi (previously Babesia equi) is still lacking and is another priority area of research for development of a suitable vaccine. We are also interested to identify a drug target in this organism and design drug molecule by using bioinformatic tools.
Recent research papers in last five years:
- Maji C, Goel P, Suthar A, Mandal KD, Gopalakrishnan A, Kumar R, Tripathi BN, Kumar S. 2019. Lumefantrine and o-choline – Parasite metabolism specific drug molecules inhibited in vitro growth of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in MASP culture system. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. pii: S1877-959X(18)30300-5
- Gopalakrishnan A, Maji C, Dahiya RK, Suthar A, Kumar R, Gupta AK, Dimri U, Kumar S. 2015. In vitro growth inhibitory efficacy of some target specific novel drug molecules against Theileria equi. Vet Parasitol. 217:1-6.
- Gopalakrishnan, A, Maji, C, Dahiya, R.K., Suthar, A, Kumar, R. and Kumar, S. 2015. Oxidative damage inflicted by Theileria equi on horse erythrocytes when cultured in vitro by MASP technique. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 35 : 763-767.
- Bhagwan, J., Kumar, A., Kumar, R., Goyal, L., Goel, P. and Kumar, S*. 2015. Molecular evidence of Theileria equi infection in Hyalomma anatolicum ticks infested on sero-positive Indian horses. Acta Parasitologica. 60(2), 322–329.
- Kumar S, Yokoyama N, Kim JY, Bork-Mimm S, Inoue N, Xuan X, Igarashi I, Sugimoto C. 2012. Theileria equi merozoite antigen-2 interacts with actin molecule of equine erythrocyte during their asexual development. Experimental Parasitology, 132(4):508-12.
- Kumar S, Kumar R, Gupta AK, Yadav SC, Goyal SK, Khurana SK, Singh RK. 2013. Development of EMA-2 recombinant antigen based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for seroprevalence studies of Theileria equi infection in Indian equine population. Vet Parasitol. 198(1-2):10-7.
Technologies developed/ patented
- Recombinant antigen based ELISA diagnostic kit detecting antibodies against Theileria equi.
- A LFA kit for rapid diagnosis of Theileria equi infection in equines.
- MASP in-vitro cultivation technique for Theileria equi.
- eCG based ELISA test for Pregnancy diagnosis in horse mares.
- PCR and Nested PCR for diagnosis of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi infection.
Awards/ Fellowships
- Young Investigator Award during World Congress on Clinical Nutrition on recognition of work on milk proteins.
- Best Oral Presentation Award by Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology on research paper on development of ELISA for T. equi infection.
- JSPS award to Foreign Researcher by Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, Japan on recognition to the research work done on Equine Piroplasmosis.
- J. P. Dubey-Young Scientist by Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology for For doing best research work and best presentation on MVSc.
- Best Poster Award by Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction, India.
Students guided (Master’s & PhD) :
Ongoing Research Projects:
- Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility for Biology Teaching through Bioinformatics (BIF-BTBI) a BTISnet program of DBT.
- Diagnosis of causes of neonate foal mortality in horses and its control by developing suitable package-of-practices under All India Network Programme on Neonate Mortality in Farm Animals ICAR funded.
- Development of rapid diagnostic (LFA) for equine piroplasmosis, ICAR funded.
- n vitro growth inhibitory efficacy of different herbal plant extracts against Theileria equi and identification of principal drug molecule(s) thereof, Institute funded.
- Service Project on Epidemiological studies on emerging and existing diseases of equines, a institute funded service project.