Research Interests:Myresearch interest is in the area of infectious diseases of animals and has focused on understanding virus-host interactions (antiviral drug discovery)and cell biology of mixed infections
Recent research papers in last five years
1. Kumar N*, Khandelwal, N, Riyesh T, Chaubey KK, Sharma S, Rawat KD, Singh SV, Tripath BN*and Barua S*. 2019. Inhibitor of Sarco/endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium-ATPase Impairs Multiple Steps of Paramyxovirus Replication. Frontiers in Microbiology,doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00209(*Corresponding author).
2. Kumar N*, Sharma S*, Barua S, Tripathi BN and Rouse BT. 2018.Virological and Immunological outcomes of coinfections. ClinicalMicrobiology Reviews, 31, e0011-17(*Corresponding author).
3. Kumar R, Khandelwal, N, Riyesh T, Tripath BN, Kashyap SK, Maherchandani S*, Barua S* and Kumar N*. 2018. MNK1 inhibitor as an antiviral agent suppressesbuffalopox virus replication, Antiviral Research, 160, 126-136.(*Corresponding author).
4. Kumar R, Khandelwal, N, Riyesh T, Tripath BN, Maherchandani S, Kashyap SK, Barua S and Kumar N*. 2018. Role of MAPK/MNK1 pathway in virus replication, Virus Research, 253, 48-61.(*Corresponding author).
5. Khandelwal, N, Chander Y and Rawat KD, Riyesh T, Sharma S, Jindal N, Tripath BN*, Barua S* and Kumar N*. 2017. Emetine inhibits replication of RNA and DNA viruses without generating drug-resistant virus variants, Antiviral Research, 144, 196-204 (*Corresponding author).
6. Kumar N*, Barua S*, Riyesh T and Tripathi BN. 2017. Advances in peste des petits ruminants vaccine, Invited Review. Veterinary Microbiology,206:91-101 (*Corresponding author).
7. Dhama K, Kumar N, Saminathan M, Tiwari R, Karthik K, Kumar A, Palanivelu A, Shabbir MZ, Malik YS, and Singh RK. 2017. Duck virus enteritis (duck plague) – a comprehensive update, Veterinary Quarterly. 37, 57-80.
8. Singh SV, Chaubey KK, Gupta S, Dhama AK, Kumar N and Sohal S. (2016). Concurrent cure of Crohn’s disease and infection with Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis. Frontiers in Medicine, 3, 49-53.
9. Chaubey KK, Gupta RK, Gupta S, Singh SV, Bhatia AK, Jayaraman S, Kumar N, Goel A,Rathore AS, Sahzad, Sohal JS, Stephen BJ, Singh M, Goyal M, Dhama K and & Derakhshandeh A. (2016). Trends and advances in the diagnosis and controlof paratuberculosis in domestic livestock, Veterinary Quarterly. doi.org/10.1080/01652176.2016.1196508.
10. Kumar N*, Barua S, Riyesh T and Tripathi BN. (2016). Systems perspective of morbillivirus replication Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 26, 389-400 (*Corresponding author).
11. Kumar N*, Barua S, Riyesh T, Singh SV, Sharma DK, Sharma S and Tripathi BN. (2016). Complexities in isolation and purification of multiple viruses from mixed viral infection: viral interference, persistence and exclusion, PLOS One, 11(5)e:0156110(*Corresponding author).
12. Riyesh T, Kumar N, Bera BC, Jindal N, Singh RK Tripathi BN and Barua S. (2016). Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of swinepox virus from outbreak in India. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 46, 60-65.
13. Chaudahry K, Kundan KK, Singh SV and Kumar N*. (2015). Receptor tyrosine kinase regulates Peste des petits ruminants virus replication. Acta Virologica, 89, 78-83 (*Corresponding author).
14. Khandelwal N, Kaur G, Singh P, Sharma S, Tiwari A, Singh SV and Kumar N*. (2014). Silver nanoparticles impair Peste des Petits Ruminants virus replication. Virus Research, 190, 1-7.(*Corresponding author).
15. Kumar N*, Maherchandani S,Sharma S, Chaubey KK, Singh SV, Kashyap SK, and Ly H (2014). Pested des Petits Ruminants Virus Infection of Small Ruminants: A Comprehensive Review. Viruses, 6, 2287-2327. (*Corresponding author).
16. Kumar N*, Chaubay KK, Singh, SV, Gupta S, Sharma S, Sharma DK, Mishra AK and Singh MK. (2014). Phylogenetic analysis of an orf virus from an outbreak in sheep at Makhdoom, India, Virus Genes, 48, 312-319 (*Corresponding author).
17. Singh SV, Singh P., Singh AV, Sohal JS, Kumar N, Chaubey KK, Gupta S, Kumar A, Bhatia AK, Srivastav AK, Dhama K. 2014. Bio-load and bio-type profiles of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in the farm and farmer’s herds / flocks of domestic livestock: A 28 years study (1985-2013). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 61: 1-13.
18. Khandelwal N, Kaur G, Kumar, N and Tiwari A. (2014). Application of silver nanoparticles in viral inhibition: a new hope for antivirals. Digest J. Nanomaterials Biostructures, 9:175-186.
19. Kaur G, Khandelwal N, Kumar N and Tiwari A(2013). Revival of medicinal plants: changing the traditional uses towards modern applications. International Journal of Indigenous Medicinal Plants, 46, 1196-2105.
20. Singh SV, Kumar N, Singh SN, Bhattacharyya TK, Gupta S, Chaubay KK, Singh PK, Singh AV and. (2013). Complete genome sequence analysis of Indian Bison type (S5) Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, J. Bacteriology (GenomeA), Volume 1, Issue 1 e00005-13).
Awards/ Fellowships
2018: Elsevier reviewer recognition award for outstanding contribution in reviewing articles for Vaccine
2018: Appreciation Award by ICAR-NRCE on Independence Day, for outstanding scientific contribution (Publication in Clinical Microbiology Reviews which has an impact factor of 20.64)
2016: Commonwealth Professional Fellowship by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK
2016: Societal Innovation Award for development of indigenous vaccine against Johne’s disease, by National Research Development Corporation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
2013: CSIR International travel grant to attend the Annual meeting of the American Society of Virology at Pennsylvania, USA
2010: Fellowship, American Society of Virology, USA
2008: Fellowship, American Society of Virology, USA
2008: Fellowship, Influenza Pathogenesis & Immunology Research Center, Atlanta, USA
2006: Postdoctoral research fellowship, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
2004: DAAD fellowship, DAAD Bonn, Germany
2002: Gold Medal, RAU Bikaner, India for first in MVSc (Vety. Microbiology)
2000: Sarabhai Zydus Animal Health Award for academic achievements.
1. Member, International Society for Antiviral Research
2. Member, European Society of Virology
3. Member, American Society of Virology
4. Founder member, International Academy of Biosciences
5. Life member, Indian Society for Sheep and Goat Production and Utilization (ISSGPU)
6. Life member, Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologist Immunologist & Specialist in Infection Diseases (IAVMI)
7. Life member, Indian Society of Biotechnology, Research and Development
Students guided (Master’s & PhD):2+2
Ongoing Research Projects
1. Development of knockout cells by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing, 2018-Continue (Principal Investigator). Rs. 26.34 lakhs
2. Authentication and Accessioning of Viruses of animal origin, Institute project, (NCVTC- ICAR), 2015- Continue (Co-PI). Rs. 52.56 lakhs
3. Isolation, characterization and reposition of enteric viruses of poultry, (NCVTC- ICAR), 2018-Continue (Co-PI). Rs. 22.45 lakhs
4. Characterization of Equine herpesvirus isolates in India and documentation of their genetic diversity, ICAR-NRCE, 2018- Continue (Co-PI). Rs. 24.76 lakhs