Area of Research Interests
Virus diagnostics, Host-pathogen interaction and antiviral drug discovery, virus evolution
2011- 2015: Senior Scientist(Veterinary Virology)ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Goats,Makhdoom, Mathura,India
2006-2011: Postdoctoral research fellow Emory University, Atlanta, USA
2004-2006: DAAD fellow (PhD research) Friedrich Loeffler Institute, InselRiems, Greifswald, Germany
2003-2006: Ph.D. (Veterinary Microbiology) CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India
2002-2003: Scientist BioMed Pvt. Ltd. Ghaziabad, UP, India
2000-2002: M.V.Sc. (Veterinary Microbiology) Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, India
1995-2000: B.V.Sc. & A.H. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, India
- CSIR International travel grant to attend the Annual meeting of the American Society of Virology at Pennsylvania, USA (2013)
- Fellowship, American Society of Virology, USA (2010)
- Fellowship, American Society of Virology, USA (2008)
- Fellowship, Influenza Pathogenesis & Immunology Research Center, Atlanta, USA (2008)
- Postdoctoral research fellowship, Emory University, Atlanta, USA (2006)
- DAAD fellowship, DAAD Bonn, Germany (2003)
- Gold Medal, RAU Bikaner, India for first in MVSc (Vety. Microbiology) (2002).
- Sarabhai Zydus Animal Health Award for academic achievements (2000)
1. Member expert panel (OIE/FAO) on progressive control of PPR
2. Reviewer: SERB/DST, India for evaluation of research projects for extramural funding
3. Member, Editorial Board: Int. J. Microbiology, SRL Vaccines and Vaccinations, Austin J. Virology and Retrovirology
4. Reviewer: Veterinary Research, PLOS One, Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, J. Virological Methods, Veterinary Record
Current Research Projects
1. Targeting a host cell protein kianse for development of antiviral therapeutics against PPR virus, SERB (DST) funded project, 2015-2018 (Principal Investigator)
2. Isolation, characterization and development of repository of pox viruses of bovine, caprine & ovine origin, Institute project, (VTCC- ICAR), 2015 onward (Co-PI)
3. Authentication and Accessioning of Viruses of animal origin, Institute project, (VTCC- ICAR), 2015 onward (Co-PI)
1. Kumar N, Sharma R and Kakker NK. (2007). Non-structural protein 3A for differentiation of foot-and-mouth disease infected and vaccinated animals in Haryana (India). Zoonoses and Public Health, 54, 376-382.
2. Brehm KE, Kumar N, Thulke, HH and Haas B. (2008). Protection against heterologous challenge with foot and mouth disease by high potency emergency vaccines. Vaccine, 26, 1681-1687.
3. Kumar N, Zin Z, Liang Y, Ly H and Liang Y. (2008). NF-kB signaling differentially regulates influenza viral RNA synthesis. Journal of Virology. 82:9880-9889.
4. Lan S, McLay L, Wang J, Kumar N, Ly H, and Liang Y. (2009). Development of infectious clones for virulent and avirulent Pichinde viruses – a model virus to study arenavirus-induced hemorrhagic fevers. Journal of Virology, 83, 6357-6352.
5. Kumar N, Liang Y, Parslow TG and Liang Y. (2011). Tyrosine kinase inhibitors block multiple steps of influenza A virus replication. Journal of Virology, 85, 2818-27.
6. Sharma S, Mulick S, Kumar N, Suryavanshi A and Ruse B. (2011). An Anti-inflammatory role of VEGFR2/Src kinase inhibitor in HSV-1 induced immunopathology, Journal of Virology, 85, 5995-6007.
7. Sharma S, Sundararajan A, Suryawanshi A, Kumar N, Tamara VP Kuchroo VK, Thomas PG, Sangster MY and Rouse BT. Tim-3/Galectin-9 interaction regulates influenza A virus specific humoral and CD8 T cell responses. Proc. Natl . Acad. Sc., USA, 108, 19001-19006.
8. Kumar N, Liang Y, Parslow TG and Liang Y. (2011). Tyrosine kinase inhibitors as novel anti-influenza compounds and with broad spectrum antiviral activities. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. (doi:10.1128/AAC.00725-11).
9. Xin Z, Carrol K, Kumar, N, Song K and Ly H. (2011). Transcriptional activation of TINF2, a gene encoding the telomerase-associated protein by SP1 and NF-kB. PLOS one, 6(6): e221333. doi:10.137/journal.pone.0021333.
10.Kumar N, Wang J, Lan S, Danzy S, Schelde LM, Seladi, J, Ly H and Liang Y. (2012). Characterization of virulence-associated determinants in the envelope glycoprotein of Pichinde virus, Virology, 433, 97-103.
11.Wang J, Danzy S, Kumar N, Ly H and Liang Y. (2012). Biological Roles and Functional Mechanisms of Arenavirus Z Protein in Viral Replication. Journal of Virology, 86, 9794-801.
12. Singh SV, Kumar N, Singh SN, Bhattacharyya TK, Gupta S, Chaubay KK, Singh PK, Singh AV and. (2013). Complete genome sequence analysis of Indian Bison type (S5) Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, J. Bacteriology (GenomeA), Volume 1, Issue 1 e00005-13).
13. Khandelwal N, Kaur G, Singh P, Sharma S, Tiwari A, Singh SV and Kumar N*. (2014). Silver nanoparticles impair Peste des Petits Ruminants virus replication. Virus Research, 190, 1-7.
14. Kumar N*, Sharma S and Singh SV (2014). Pested des Petits Ruminants Virus Infection of Small Ruminants: A Comprehensive Review. Viruses, 6, 2287-2327. (*Corresponding author).
15. Kumar N*, Chaubay KK, Singh, SV, Gupta S, Sharma S, Sharma DK, Mishra AK and Singh MK. (2014). Phylogenetic analysis of an orf virus from an outbreak in sheep at Makhdoom, India, Virus Genes, 48, 312-319 (*Corresponding author).
16.Singh S.V., Singh P.K., Singh A.V., Sohal J.S., Kumar N., Chaubey K.K., Gupta S., Kumar A., Bhatia A.K., Srivastav A.K., Dhama K. 2014. Bio-load and bio-type profiles of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in the farm and farmer’s herds / flocks of domestic livestock: A 28 years study (1985-2013). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 61: 1-13.
17. Chaudahry K, Kundan KK, Singh SV and Kumar N*. (2015). Receptor tyrosine kinase regulates Peste des petits ruminants virus replication. Acta Virologica, 59, 78-83. (*Corresponding author).