Research Interests
The research is focused on development of targeted drug release therapeutics using nanotechnogy in medicine and toxicological evaluation of nanoformulations. She is working in the area of tissue repair/wound healing/arthritis. She has also worked in the areas of disease monitoring & surveillance, diagnosis and control of infectious diseases.
Recent research papers in the last five years
1. Manuja A, Kumar B, Singha H. 2019, Sequence and functional variability of Toll-like receptor 9 gene in equines. Molecular Immunology, 105, 276-282.
2. Manuja A and Kumar B. 2019. Therapeutics against Trypanosomiasis. Current topics in medicinal chemistry 18 (25), 2138-2140.
3. Manuja A, Kumar B, Kumar R, Chopra M, Dilbaghi N, Kumar S, Yadav SC. 2018. Biocompatibility and targeting efficiency of encapsulated quinapyramine sulfate-loaded chitosan-mannitol nanoparticles in a rabbit model of surra. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 62 (11), e00466-18
4. Manuja A, Dilbaghi N, Kaur H, Saini R, Barnela M, Chopra M, Manuja BK, Kumar R, Kumar S, Riyesh T, Singh SK. 2018. Chitosan quinapyramine sulfate nanoparticles exhibit increased trypanocidal activity in mice. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects. 2018 Oct 1;16:193-9.
5. Kumar B, Manuja A, Gulati BR, Virmani N, Tripathi BN. 2018. Zoonotic Viral Diseases of Equines and Their Impact on Human and Animal Health. The open virology journal. 2018;12:80.
6. Kaur, P., Thakur, R., Malwal, H., Manuja, A. and Chaudhury, A., 2018. Biosynthesis of biocompatible and recyclable silver/iron and gold/iron core-shell nanoparticles for water purification technology. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 14: 189-197
7. Raguvaran, R., Manuja, A., Manuja, B.K., Riyesh, T., Singh, S., Kesavan, M. and Dimri, U., 2017. Sodium alginate and gum acacia hydrogels of zinc oxide nanoparticles reduce hemolytic and oxidative stress inflicted by zinc oxide nanoparticles on mammalian cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 101, pp.967-972.
8. Raguvaran, R., Manuja, B.K., Chopra, M., Thakur, R., Anand, T., Kalia, A. and Manuja, A., 2017. Sodium alginate and gum acacia hydrogels of ZnO nanoparticles show wound healing effect on fibroblast cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 96, pp.185-191.
9. Jangra, S., Duhan, S., Goyat, M.S., Chhokar, V., Singh, S. and Manuja, A., 2017. Influence of functionalized mesoporous silica in controlling azathioprine drug release and cytotoxicity properties. Materials Research Innovations, pp.1-13.
10. Singh, S., Chopra, M., Dilbaghi, N., Manuja, B.K., Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Rathore, N.S., Yadav, S.C. and Manuja, A., 2016. Synthesis and evaluation of isometamidium-alginate nanoparticles on equine mononuclear and red blood cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 92, pp.788-794 (IF: 3.67; NAAS rating 9.53)
11. Manuja A. Editorial (Thematic issue: Therapeutic interventions against Trypanosomiasis. Curr Top Med Chem. 2016 16(20): 2231-2232.
12. Manuja, A., Kumar, B., Chopra, M., Bajaj, A., Kumar, R., Dilbaghi, N., Kumar, S., Singh, S., Riyesh, T. and Yadav, S.C. 2016. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of a trypanocidal drug quinapyramine sulfate loaded-sodium alginate nanoparticles in mammalian cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 88:146-155.
13. Rathore N.S., Manuja A., Manuja B.K., Choudhary S. 2016. Chemotherapeutic Approaches against Trypanosoma evansi: Retrospective Analysis, Current Status and Future Outlook. Curr Top Med Chem. 16(20): 2316 – 2327
14. Kumar, P., Kumar, R., Kumar, B., Singha, H., Sharma, A., Virmani, N., Yadav, S.C., Manuja, A. 2015. CpG-ODN class C mediated immunostimulation in rabbits experimentally infected with horse isolate of Trypanosoma evansi. PLoS one 10(6): e0127437. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127437
15. Chopra Meenu, Bernela Manju, Kaur Pawan, Manuja Anju, Kumar Balvinder, Thakur Rajesh Alginate/gum acacia bipolymeric nanohydrogels—Promising carrier for Zinc oxide nanoparticles. 2015 International Journal of biological macromolecules. 72c:827-833. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac
16. Raguvaran R, Manuja A, Manuja BK 2015. Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles: Opportunities and Challenges in Veterinary Sciences. Immunome Res 11:095. doi:10.4172/1745-7580.1000095
17. Manuja A, Kumar S., Dilbaghi N, Bhanjana G, Chopra M, Kaur H, Kumar R, Kumar B, Singh SK, Yadav SC. 2014. Quinapyramine sulphate-loaded sodium alginate nanoparticles show enhanced trypanocidal activity. Nanomedicine. 9(11):1625-34. doi:10.2217/NNM.13.148.
18. Chopra, M., Rathore, N. S., Kumar, S., Kumar, B., Pandita, D., Manuja, A. 2015. Development and validation of high performance liquid chromatography UV-visible spectrometry method for the detection of quinapyramine sulfate in rabbit plasma. WJPPS 4(8): 666-673.
19. Manuja BK, Manuja A, Dahiya R, Singh S, Sharma RC, Gahlot SK. 2014. Diversity of interferon inducible Mx gene in horses and association of variations with susceptibility vis-à-vis resistance against equine influenza infection. Infect Genet Evol. 2014 Jul 24;27C:142-148
20. Manuja A, Kumar P, Kumar R, Kumar B, Singha H, Sharma RK, Yadav SC. 2014. CpG-ODN class C-mediated immunostimulation and its potential against Trypanosoma evansi in equines. Int Immunopharmacol. 2014 Jul 24;22(2):366-370. (IF: 2.722, NAAS rating: 8.42)
21. Kaur Pawan, Thakur Rajesh, Barnela Manju, Chopra Meenu, Manuja Anju and Chaudhury Ashok. 2014. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro evaluation of cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of chitosan–metal nanocomposites. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4383.
22. Raguvaran R, Manuja A, Singh S, Chopra M, Manuja BK and Dimri U: Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Haemolytic Cytotoxicity in Horse Red Blood Cells. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2015; 6(3): 1166-69.doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.6 (3).1166-69
23. Manuja BK, Manuja A Singh RK 2014. Globlization and livestock biosecurity. Agric Res 3(1) 22-31
24. Manuja A., Manuja, B.K. Kaushik Jyoti, H Singha, Singh RK 2013. Immunotherapeutic potential of CpG oligodeoxynucleotide in Veterinary species. Immunopharmacology And Immunotoxicology Available online Aug 28, 2013. DOI: 10.3109/08923973.2013.828743.
25. Manuja Anju, Manuja K. Balvinder, Kataria RS, Sethi RK, Singh RK. 2013. Comparative Analysis of Molecular Structure, Function and Expression of Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Toll-Like Receptor 9, Journal of Buffalo Science, 2: 63-71
26. Anju Manuja, Neeraj Dilbaghi, Sandeep Kumar, Harmanmeet Kaur, Gaurav Bhanjana, Rajender Kumar, Balvinder Kumar and S.C. Yadav. 2013. Nano-drug delivery for quinapyramine sulphate. (Application, No.2560/DEL/2011, dated 06.09.2011) published on 8.3.13. Official Journal of the Patent office 10: 5627.
27. Kumar S, Bhanjana G, Dilbaghi N, Manuja A. Comparative investigation of cellular response of nanoparticles. Adv Mat Lett 2012; 3(4): 345-349.
28. Manuja Anju, Kumar Balvinder and Singh RK. 2012. Nanotechnology developments: Nanotechnology developments: opportunities for animal health and production Published: 2012-01-30 15:50:08 | DOI: 10.4081/nd.2012.e4
29. Kumar Balvinder Manuja Anju, Aich Palok. 2012. Stress and its impact on farm animals. Frontiers in Bioscience E4, 1759-1767. 1.
30. Yadav SC, Kumar R,. Manuja A, Goyal L, Gupta AK. 2012 Early detection of Trypanosoma evansi infection and monitoring of antibody levels following treatment, Journal of Parasitic diseases. 1
31. Manuja Anju, Manuja K. Balvinder Dhingra Manupriya, Sarkar Susheel. 2012 Differential expression of toll-like receptor 9 by various immune compartments of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 82 (4): 427–429, April 2012. (IF 0.16; Naas rating: 6.16)
32. Singh S. R., Sangwan A. K, Manuja A., Kadian S. K., and Nichani A. K. 2012 Heterogeneity of antigenic proteins in Indian isolates of Theileria annulata. Indian Journal of Parasitology. 26(2): 27-30
33. Rana N, Raut A A, Khurana SK, Manuja A, and Saini A. 2012. Isolation and biotyping of Salmonella and Escherichia coli associated with neonatal buffalo calves. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 82 (7): 676–678
34. Manuja Anju, Manuja K. Balvinder Dhingra Manupriya, Sarkar Susheel. 2012 Transcriptional expression of toll-like receptor 9 in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Indian Buffalo Journal, 10-12(1&2)79-82.
Technologies developed/ patented
Patent filed on “Nano-Drug Delivery for Quinapyramine Sulphate” (Patent Application No. 2560/DEL/2011) for two processes and two products
Awards/ Fellowships;
1. Grant awarded by International Consortium on Regenerative Rehabilitation (ICRR, University of Pittsburgh USA for participating in Symposium on regenerative rehabilitation at Seattle, Oct 11-13 2018.
2. Outstanding Scientist award in recognition of outstanding scientific contribution awarded by ICAR-NRCE in year 2018
3. Awarded First prize for contribution of scientific work in hindi awarded by ICAR-NRCE in year 2018
4. Emerging Investigator’s award by Elsevier journal Nanostructures and Nano Objects at ICNM-2017 conference, Kerala on 12th February, 2017.
5. Selected for Biotechne travel grant for attending conference “Immunology” for attending conference at Seattle USA in May, year 2016.
6. Best oral presentation award: International Conference on Nano Science & Engineering Applications at JNU Hyderabad in June 2014.
7. Best Paper award in International conference on “Current and future scenarios in drug development and delivery” held at JCD, Sirsa, Aug 11-12, 2012.
8. Bharat Jyoti award and Certificate of Excellence by IIFS, New Delhi for meritorious achievements and outstanding performance. at seminar on “Global Participation in India’s Economic Development” held at New Delhi, on 24th May, 2010.
9. Best presentation Award in International conference on nanosensores & technology, Oct. 28-31, 2010, Chandigarh.
10. GADVASU women Scientist award by Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology for TLR 9 studies in equines in Year 2009.
11. Scientist Award for the best publication in the area of Immunology and Biotechnology, from Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology Year 2009.
12. Young Scientist award (Fast Track proposals) awarded by DST, Govt. of India year 2006.
13. BOYSCAST fellowship from Govt. of India for doing Post doctorate at Vaccine and Infectious disease organization, Saskatoon, Canada in Year 2003-2004.
14. Wellcome grant for doing part of PhD research at Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, UK. Year 2001
15. Best Research paper award by ISBD in year 2006.
16. ICAR Junior research fellowship during Masters Degree
17. ICAR Merit Scholarship during Graduate degree in Veterinary Sciences
18. Appreciation letter for work carried out in Department of Genomics and Bioinformatics, Roslin Institute, U.K. (2001).
19. Appreciation letter for work carried out at Vaccine and Infectious disease organization, Saskatoon, Canada.
- Indian Society for Vety. Medicine
- Indian Society for Buffalo Development (ISBD)
- Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology
- Indian association for advancement of Vety. Parasitology
- Indian association for advancement of Vety. Research
- HAU Alumni Association
- Association of Microbiologists of India
- Society for conservation of domestic animals and Biodiversity
Haryana Veterinary Council
Students guided (Master’s & PhD):
Ongoing Research Projects:
Nanobased therapeutic interventions against Osteoarthritis (PI)
Diagnosis and sequence typing of strains of Streptococcus equi (CoPI)
Surveillance, monitoring and Control of emerging and existing diseases of Equines (CoPI)