Research Interests:
Scientist’s research interests are on the development of viral vaccine and point-of-care diagnostics against various viral diseases. He is also involved in isolation and authentication of various animal viruses (PPRV, CSFV, PCV-2, BPXV, CMLV, ERV, EHV-1) and poultry viruses (Infectious bursal disease virus, Newcastle disease virus, Fowlpox virus, Infectious bronchitis virus) and anaerobic bacteria (C.chauvoei, C.perfringens) in the NCVTC Repository.
Recent research papers in last five years:
Research publications (Last five years)
1. Kumar R, Khandelwal N, Chander Y, Riyesh T, Tripathi BN, Kashyap SK, Barua S, Maherchandani S, Kumar N. MNK1 inhibitor as an antiviral agent suppresses buffalopox virus protein synthesis. Antiviral Res. 2018; 160:126-136.
2. Kumar R, Khandelwal N, Thachamvally R, Tripathi BN, Barua S, Kashyap SK, Maherchandani S, Kumar N. Role of MAPK/MNK1 signaling in virus replication. Virus Res. 2018; 253:48-61.
3. Vaid RK, Shanmugasundaram K, Anand T, Bera BC, Tigga M, Dedar R, Riyesh T, Bardwaj S, Virmani N, Tripathi BN, Singh R. Characterization of isolates of Bordetella bronchiseptica from horses. J Equine Sci. 2018; 29(1):25-31.
4. Khandelwal N, Chander Y, Rawat KD, Riyesh T, Nishanth C, Sharma S, Jindal N, Tripathi BN, Barua S, Kumar N. Emetine inhibits replication of RNA and DNA viruses without generating drug-resistant virus variants. Antiviral Res. 2017 Aug;144:196-204.
5. Raguvaran R, Manuja A, Manuja BK, Riyesh T, Singh S, Kesavan M, Dimri U. Sodium alginate and gum acacia hydrogels of zinc oxide nanoparticles reduce hemolytic and oxidative stress inflicted by zinc oxide nanoparticles on mammalian cells. Int J Biol Macromol. 2017 Aug;101:967-972.
6. Kumar N, Barua S, Riyesh T, Tripathi BN. Advances in peste des petits ruminants vaccines. Vet Microbiol. 2017 Jul;206:91-101.
7. Anand T, Bera BC, Vaid RK, Barua S, Riyesh T, Virmani N, Hussain M, Singh RK, Tripathi BN. Abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental bacteriophages. J Gen Virol. 2016 Dec;97(12):3458-3466.
8. Anagha G, Gulati BR, Riyesh T, Virmani N. Genetic characterization of equine herpesvirus 1 isolates from abortion outbreaks in India. Arch Virol. 2017 Jan;162(1):157-163.
9. Riyesh T, Barua S, Kumar N, Jindal N, Bera BC, Narang G, Mahajan NK, Arora D, Anand T, Vaid RK, Yadav M, Chandel SS, Malik P, Tripathi BN, Singh RK. Isolation and genetic characterization of swinepox virus from pigs in India. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2016 Jun;46:60-5.
10. Kumar N, Barua S, Riyesh T, Chaubey KK, Rawat KD, Khandelwal N, Mishra AK, Sharma N, Chandel SS, Sharma S, Singh MK, Sharma DK, Singh SV, Tripathi BN. Complexities in Isolation and Purification of Multiple Viruses from Mixed Viral Infections: Viral Interference, Persistence and Exclusion. PLoS One. 2016 May 26;11(5):e0156110.
11. Kumar N, Barua S, Thachamvally R, Tripathi BN. Systems Perspective of Morbillivirus Replication. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016;26(6):389-400.
12. Manuja A, Kumar B, Chopra M, Bajaj A, Kumar R, Dilbaghi N, Kumar S, Singh S, Riyesh T, Yadav SC. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of a trypanocidal drug quinapyramine sulfate loaded-sodium alginate nanoparticles in mammalian cells. Int J Biol Macromol. 2016 Jul;88:146-55.
13. Vaid RK, Jindal N, Anand T, Bera BC, Riyesh T, Virmani N, Barua S, Gupta R, Mahajan NK, Joshi CG, Singh RK. First Draft Genome Sequence of Salmonella enterica Serovar Gallinarum Strain VTCCBAA614, Isolated from Chicken in India. Genome Announc. 2015 Oct 22;3(5). pii: e01221-15.
14. Bera BC, Barua S, Shanmugasundaram K, Anand T, Riyesh T, Vaid RK, Virmani N, Kundu S, Yadav NK, Malik P, Singh RK. Genetic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of host-range genes of Camelpox virus isolates from India. Virusdisease. 2015 Sep;26(3):151-62.
15. Anand T, Vaid RK, Bera BCh, Barua S, Riyesh T, Virmani N, Yadav N, Malik P. Isolation and characterization of a bacteriophage with broad host range, displaying potential in preventing bovine diarrhoea. Virus Genes. 2015 Oct;51(2):315-21.
16. Vaid RK, Shanmugasundaram K, Boora A, Bera BC, Shukla BN, Anand T, Singha H, Riyesh T, Virmani N, Barua S, Ahir VB, Koringa PG, Sajnani MR, Bhat VD, Rana N, Singh KP, Malik P, Singh RK, Joshi CG. Draft Genome Sequence of Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida B:2 Strain VTCCBAA264 Isolated from Bubalus bubalis in North India. Genome Announc. 2014 Jul 31;2(4). pii: e00755-14.
17. Riyesh T, Karuppusamy S, Bera BC, Barua S, Virmani N, Yadav S, Vaid RK, Anand T, Bansal M, Malik P, Pahuja I, Singh RK. Laboratory-acquired buffalopox virus infection, India. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014 Feb;20(2):324-6.
Technologies developed/ patented:
Awards/ Fellowships:
- Life member of Indian Virological Society (IVS)
- Life member of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases(IAVMI)
- Life member of Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB)
Students guided (Master’s & PhD):
Ongoing Research Projects:
1. Isolation, characterization and reposition of enteric viruses of poultry
2. Development of knockout cell by CRISPER/Cas9 mediated genome editing
3. DBT-NER Project “Advanced Animal Disease Diagnosis and Management Consortium (ADMaC)
4. Authentication and accessioning of viruses of animal origin
5. Phenotypic and genotypic authentication and preservation of network bacterial isolates
6. Nanobased therapeutic interventions against osteoarthritis