Head, RS,EPC-NRCE, Bikaner
Visiting Scientist : 2009 - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (USA)
Field of Specialization : Equine Physiology
Discipline: Animal Breeding & Genetics
Research Interest:Selection, Conservation, Production.
Date and Place of Birth: 25th February, 1964 ; Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)
Professional Qualification & Experience
1. B.V.Sc. & A.H. : 1988 – Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (India)
2. M.V.Sc. (AG&B): 1990- Gold Medal: Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar (India)
3. Ph.D. (AG&B): 2000 – First Position: Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (India)
4. PGD-HRM: 2008 -Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, IGNOU (India)
5. Visiting Scientist: 2009- Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (USA)
Professional Carrier
- Served as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in Animal Husbandry Department, Rajasthan (1990-1993). Belonging to ARS 1991 batch, after completing the foundation course from National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, served in different capacity at National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute and National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner. Served Officer In-charge at National Research Centre on Equines, Equine Production Campus, Bikaner(2017-22) and currently continuing at the same place as Principal Scientist.
- FELLOW-SOCDAB: Conferred Fellowship of Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB), Karnal, India
- Vice-President (2019-2022) of “Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB)” National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal
- Research Advisory Board Member (2016-22). ICMR Project -Multidisciplinary Research Unit at Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner
- National Record in Limca Book of Records 2017 for the efforts done in the “Talks of Camel : A Mission for Conservation of Camel”.
- Honoured by The Mayor, Nagar Nigam, Bikaner, Republic Day, 2017 for outstanding contribution in the field of Veterinary Science.
- HaritBikana Award 2022. Green Campus Award-2nd Prise by District Environment Committee, Bikaner. Award presented by the Divisional Commissioner, Bikaner on dated 09.08.2022.
- Official Language (Hindi) Shield: Received Official Language Shield (small offices) for the year 2018-19 by Official Language Executive Committee (DRM) of Bikaner, Rajasthan.
- Honoured by Rajasthan State Government Minister Sh. Govardhan Ji Raikafor outstanding scientific contribution for conservation of camel on 30.12.2016.
- Executive Member of Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding, New Delhi.
- Drafted the document of state policy on development of camels in Rajasthan for submission to the Chief Minister. February 3, 2014.
- Editorial Board Member: Journal of camel Practice and Research, Camel Publishing House, Bikaner; Journal of Livestock Biodiversity.
- Reviewer of International and National Journals: Small Ruminant Research, Biologia, Scientific Reports, Molecular Biology Reports, Journal of camel Practice and Research, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, International Journal of Livestock Research, , Indian Journal of Animal Sciences; Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology; Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Indian Journal of Biotechnology; Indian Journal of Small Ruminants. Indian Journal of Animal Research.
- Invited Expert: 6th , 7th and 8th Research Council of Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Science, Bikaner (2020-22).
- Active Camel Research Scientist Award 2020 by Journal of Camel Practice and Research, Camel Publishing House, Bikaner
- Institute Management Committee Member, ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar. (2012-2014)
- Institute Management Committee Member, ICAR-National Research Centre on Equine, Hisar. (2012-2014)
- Organising Secretary,Scientists-stakeholder’s Interface Workshop held at National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner during January 28-31, 2012.
- Organising Secretary: Brain Storming Meet on 24th March, 2007 to identify the major researchable issues for the XIth Five Year Plan.
- Nodal officer of Rajasthan for the preparation of “Country Report on Animal Genetic Resources” initiated by the FAO.
- Best Presentation Award. National Symposium on Livestock Biodiversity vis-à-vis Resource Exploitation: An Introspection. Organised by SOCDAB at NBAGR, Karnal, Feb. 11-12, 2004.
- Senior Research Fellowship: Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, 1990
- Junior Research Fellowship: Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, 1988
- Need-cum-Merit Scholarship: Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, 1983
Scientific Contribution
- International and National Journals: 110
- Lead Presentations and Lectures: 52
- Books and Technical Bulletins: 18
- Book Chapters: 27
- GenBank Submission: 56
- Trade Mark -1
Research Guiding
- D. -3; M.Phil. -2; M.D. -1; M. V. Sc.-10;M.Sc. (Biotechnology) – 26
Research Extension
- Radio ProgrammesOrganised : 33
- Radio Programmes Delivered : 8
- TV Programmes: Door Darshan Kisan Channel : 3 Programmes
- ETV Rajasthan : 5 Programmes
- A1TV, ETV, Door Darshan, Sahara Samay and other Channel: Time to time coverage of programmes
- FM Radio : Several Programmes
- Documentaries : 3
- Kumar S, Ashraf M, Pannu U and Mehta S C (2022). Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-8 Genes of Equines. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2022.104058.
- Dinesh Jhamba, ThirumalaTallurib, Rohit Junejaa, Sunanda Sharmaa, Surendar Nirwana, Sharad Mehta, Ramesh Kumarb, Pramod Kumara, Kalpesh Pargia, Mitesh Gaura (2022). Cryopreservation has detrimental effect on mitochondrial membrane potential, DNA integrity and oxidative parameters of equine spermatozoa.Cryobiology 109 :55.
- Mehta S C , Talluri T R, Legha R A, Pal Y and Tripathi B N (2021). Phenotypic trend, breeding value and heritability of biometric traits in Marwari horses. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 91 (6) : 476-80.
- Mehta S C and Dahiya S S (2021). Analysis of hair quality attributes of Mewari and Jalori camels managed under natural habitat. Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 28 (3) : 361-366.
- Sharma S K, Yadav R, Mehta S C and Kataria A K (2020). Detection and analysis of antibiotic resistance variability among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from animal and human sources. VeterinarskiArhiv. 90 (5) : 493-508.
- Jadhav S A, Umrikar U D, Sawane M P, Pawar V D, Deshmukh R S, Dahiya S S and Mehta S C. Genetic polymorphism at k-casein gene in Indian camel breeds (Camelus dromdarius). Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 27 (2) : 201-206.
- Hashim W M, Mehta S C, Galal M, Yousif A M, Salah E S A (2020). Genotype of some Sudanese camel (types and subtypes) using microsatellite. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal. 65 (163) : 42-48.
- Mehta S C, Dahiya S S, Jadhav S A, Umrikar U D, Sawane M P, Pawar V D and Deshmukh R S. Determination of genetic variability at as1 -casein gene in Indian dromedary. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 90 (12) : 1617-21.
- Yash Pal, Anuradha Bhardwaj, RA Legha, TR Talluri, SC Mehta and BN Tripathi (2020). Characterization of Kachchhi-Sindhi Horses of India. Indian Journal of Animal Research. 2020/11. DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-4221.
- Talluri, T R, Bhardwaj A, Mehta S C and Pal, Y (2020). Evaluation of mitochondrial membrane potential in equine spermatozoa using JC-1. Indian Journal of Animal Science. 90 (12) : 1599-1601.
- Govindasamy N, Swami S K, Mehta S C, Singh R, Meignanalakshmi S, Selvaraju S, Pourouchottamane R, Thirumaran S M K and Patil N V. Camel : A Medicinally Important Animal. Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences. 1(4) : 12-22.
- Jadhav S A, Umrikar U D, Sawane M P, Pawar V D, Deshmukh R S, Dahiya S S and Mehta S C. Analysis of beta casein gene polymorphism in Indian camel breeds. Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 26 (3), 1-5.
- R Sharma, H Sharma, P Sharma, S Ahlawat, SC Mehta, MS Tantia. Microsatellite analysis generates hope for sustainability of two dwindling camel populations of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 88 (11), 1281-1288.
- Mehta S C, Dahiya S S, Jadhav S A, Umrikar U D, Sawane M P, Pawar V D and Deshmukh R S.Analysis of genetic variability at as1 -casein gene in Indian dromedary. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences.90 (12) : 1617-21.
- Kumar P, Kumar R, Mehta J S, Kumar A, Ravi S K, Mehta S C, Ansari M M, Legha, R A, Tripathi B N, Talluri T R (2019). Ameliorative effect of ascorbic acid and glutathione in combating the cryoinjuries during cryopreservation of exotic Jack semen.Journal of Equine Veterinary Science.81:102796. 81:102796.
- Jadhav S A, Umrikar U D, Sawane M P, Pawar V D, Deshmukh R S, Dahiya S S and Mehta S C. (2019). Analysis of beta casein gene polymorphism in Indian camel breeds. Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 26 (3) : 1-5.
- Sivakumar G, Swami S K, Nagarajan G, Mehta S C, Tuteja F C, Ashraf M, Patil N V (2018). Molecular characterization of Hyalommadromedarii from North Western Region of India based on the gene sequences encoding Calreticulin and Internally Transcribed Spacer Region 2. Gene Reports. 10(2018) : 141-148.
- Dahiya S.S., Kumar S., Mehta S.C., Narnaware S.D., Singh R., Nath, K., Narnaware, S. D., Tuteja F.C. (2017). Molecular characterization of Camelpox virus isolates from Bikaner, India: Evidence of its endemicity. Acta Tropica. 171 : 1-5.
- Tyagi K, Gautam L, Waiz H A, Mehta S C and Beniwal B K. (2017). Genetic characterisation of Bikaneri camel using microsatellite markers. Journal of Camel Practice and Research. 24 (3) : 221-224.
- Dahiya S.S., Kumar S., Mehta S.C., Narnaware S.D., Singh R. and Tuteja F.C. (2016). Camelpox: A brief review on its epidemiology, current status and challenges. Acta Tropica. 20 (158) 32-38.
- Mehta, S.C. (2014). Genetic and demographic bottleneck analysis of Indian camel breeds by microsatellite markers. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 46 (8), 1397-1406.
- Nagarajan, G., Swami, S.K., Dahiya, S.S., Narnaware, S.D., Mehta, S.C., Singh, P.K., Singh, R., Tuteja, F.C. and Patil, N.V. (2015). Characterization of GM-CSF-inhibitory factor and Uracil DNA glycosylase encoding genes from camel pseudocowpoxvirus. Research in Veterinary Science.03/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.rvsc.