Equipedia is an online knowledge repository for information related to equine health and production in India. Equipedia is designed for providing an online resource that is internet accessible interactive multimedia instructional reserve which allows breeders and different stakeholders in equine farming across the country to get access to topics related to equine farming, conservation and management of genetic resources in an integrated, interactive knowledge sharing manner on the internet. It will provide a platform for both information retrieval and knowledge sharing among different stakeholders in equine farming across the globe. ICT and Knowledge Management is a new age tool and is an aid in enhancing productivity and effectiveness for the agricultural community. We earnestly hope that Equipedia will serve the intended beneficiaries with latest information and knowledge on equine farming. The importance of equines in India is well known. India possesses 1.17 million equines. Major population of equidae comprising donkeys, mules and ponies that provide livelihood to the rural societies living in arid, semi-arid and hilly regions, specially in the foot hills of Himalayas, through transport and draught where as remaining small population of equines is used in army, police, border security force, racing industry and sports.

- NRCE Pregnancy-Horse Trifold
- Horse related information for Farmer
- Equine Farming
- Parentage verification in equines For Equipedia
- Equine Health and Management
- Chapter wise book Hindi for Equipedia