Right to Information Act

Right To Information

RTI Proactive Disclosure under Section 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act

  1. The particulars of its organization, functions and duties
  2. The powers and duties of its officers and employees
  3. The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability
  4. The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions
  5. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions
  6. A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control
  7. Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority
  8. Directory of officers and employees
  9. The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations
  10. Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers
  11. No. of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken
  12. Programmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26)Educational programmes
  13. Transfer policy and transfer orders
  14. Budget and Programme
  15. Publicity Band Public interface
  16. E.Governance
  17. Information as may be prescribed
  18. Information Disclosed on own Initiative

ICAR-National Research Centre on Equines

Sirsa Road, Hisar-125001, Haryana (India)

  1. Organization and Function
    1. Particulars of its organization, functions and duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)]
      1. Name and address of the Organization ICAR – National Research Centre On Equines, Sirsa Road, Hisar – 125 001 (Haryana) INDIA
      2. Head of the organization
        1. Dr. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya, Director

      3. Vision, Mission and Key objectives Vision:Generation of demand-driven technologies for equine health and production management and capacity building for competitive equine power utilization in agricultural operations to serve the under-privileged under changed environment and socio-economic scenario.
        1. Mission and Key objectives:
          1. Achieving freedom from dreaded equine diseases through development of modern diagnostics and vaccine.
          2. Technology transfer for superior mule and true-to-breed indigenous horse production in their home tracts using AI & embryo transfer technology with an at establish embryo bank of Marwari and Kathiawari horses to enhance export.
          3. Enhancing performance of working equids especially in arid, semi-arid and mountainous regions.
          4. Income generation through market intelligence activities
        2. Mandate NRCE:
          1.  Basic and strategic research on equines health and production.
          2. To provide advisory and consultancy services and capacity development.
        3. NCVTC:
          1. National repository of veterinary, dairy and rumen microorganisms and their identification, characterization and documentation.
          2. Distribution of microbes for teaching, research and development of new technologies.
      4. Function and duties
        1. NRCE is a constituent unit of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, an autonomous body under the Department of Agricultural Research & Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. Director is the executive head of the institute and is the chairman of the Institute Management Committee (IMC) which is responsible for all policy and decision making regarding the functioning of institute. Research Advisory Committee (RAC) reviews the research achievements of the institute and its consistency in view of the mandate of the institute and suggests research programmes based on national/global context of research in the thrust areas. Director is also chairman of the Institute Research Council (IRC) that monitors the progress of research projects. The research and extension activities at the institute are looked after by the respective Heads/Incharges of Divisions/Units. The institute Joint Staff Council (IJSC) looks after the grievance and welfare of staff members of the institute.
      5. Organization Chart linkorgset
      6. Any other details-the genesis, inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from time to time as well as the committees/ Commissions constituted from time to time have been dealt Inadequate equine health coverage, resulting into devastating catastrophic effect on the economy of equine, was the main consideration for the National Research Centre on Equines by the ICAR. Consequent to the sanction of the Government of India for establishment of National Research Centre of Equines at Hisar w.e.f. 1.4.85 at an overall outlay not exceeding Rs. 147.75 lakhs, conveyed vide ICAR letter No. 24(1)/86-EE.1 dated 7th August, 1985, the Centre became operational from 7th January, 1986 at Hisar after shifting of the Project Director, who initially joined at ICAR headquarters in November, 1985. From the land acquired by the ICAR from Govt. of Livestock Farm, Hisar of Haryana Govt. 200 acres were allocated to the Centre at Sirsa Road. The foundation stone of the Centre was laid by the Honorable Union Minister of Agriculture on 30th April, 1988. Subsequently, a Sub-Campus at Bikaner was setup in 1989, foundation stone of which was laid by the Honorable Union Minister of Agriculture on 28th September, 1989. A sub-campus was created at Bikaner in Rajasthan during 1989. The Centre has the responsibility of conducting research and providing effective health coverage and better technologies for reproduction and work performance for the upliftment of the equines. Research work was initiated to contain these effects and also to improve reproductive and work performance for the upliftment of the equines. With the acceptance and implementation of WTO it has become imperative to improve and update the diagnostics/immunoprophylaxis for the betterment and augmentation of the equine production programmes in the country to meet out the international standards.
        1. Power and duties of its officers and employees   [Section 4(1) (b)(ii)]
            1. Powers and duties of officers (administrative, financial and judicial)
            2. Power and duties of other employees
          Officers/Employees Power and Duties
          Director The Director is Head of Department for the Institute. He exercises all the powers which is applicable to HOD as per GOI instructions. Further powers have been delegated to the Director for day to day functioning of the Institute as per delegation of powers by ICAR Hqrs. Overall administrative, financial, executive powers rest with the Director.
          I/c PME Functions of PME Cell

          1.To coordinate and synthesize the recommendations of QRT, RAC, IRC,
          Vision documents of institute and ICAR to recommend research priorities of
          the institution for shortlisting priority researchable problems across
          crop(s)/divisions/ programmes/commodity/livestock etc. at institution level.
          (Priority setting)
          2.Annual updating and presenting the report to the Director of the
          institution for assigning research projects.
          3.To coordinate and arrange for annual monitoring of each on-going
          project and evaluation of completed projects through internal and external
          4.To coordinate and arrange for technology validation and/or impact
          assessment of successful technology claimed by scientist(s) through internal
          and external experts.
          5.Regularly sensitizing and capacity building of research managers and
          scientists through training programmes.
          Maintaining a database on all publications, technologies developed, IPRs,
          consultancies, projects undertaken in the past 10 years and on-going

          I/C AKMU Providing IT facilities at the institute
          I/c ITMU To facilitate IP management and technology transfer and commercialization
          I/c Store Receipts and entry of procured goods
          I/C Estate Civil/Electrical maintenance of buildings, roads and residential quarters
          and undertaking repair/petty/minor works departmentally.
          Grievance Committee 1.To address grievances of employees at institute level
          3.The scope of the Grievance Committee shall be as follows:
          4.The Grievance committee will provide an apparatus in the institutional framework that may:
          5.Facilitate easy access to individuals for ventilating their own personal grievances:
          6.Ensure speedy consideration of grievance and decision thereon:
          7.Impart a degree of objectivity and fair play in the whole process.
          8.The Grievance Committee should not look only into technicalities but would help to establish good communication between the office of the unit and the employees.
          9.The Grievance Committee should make every effort to remove
          misunderstandings and to develop congenial atmosphere in the unit.
          10.The Grievance Committee shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of an employee raised personally by the concerned aggrieved employee.
          11.The Grievance Committee shall not consider:12.Any grievance relating to subjects for which separate committees exist.
          13.Any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature or raised collectively by more than one employee.
          14.Any grievance arising out of disciplinary action having been taken against on
          employee under Disciplinary Rules.
          I/C RFD Cell Preparation, compilation and timely submission of RFD monthly, half yearly
          and annual achievement report
          I/c To ensure watch ward of institute property.
          I/.c Guest House Providing accommodation to the guests.
          I/c Library To maintain journals, books, reports etc. To act as Nodal Officer for CeRA.
          CPIO Central Public Information Officer is responsible to provide information to
          persons requesting for the information under RTI Act, 2005.
          Member secretary, RAC All meetings of the Research Advisory Committee shall be called by notice in
          writing by and under the hand of the Member-Secretary of the Committee. An
          omission to give notice or late receipt or non-receipt of notice by any
          member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting. The proceedings
          of the Research Advisory Committee shall be forwarded to the
          Director-General, ICAR by the Member-Secretary, after getting the same
          approved from the Chairman, immediately and the Director of the Institute
          should ensure that the proceedings are delivered to the Secretary, ICAR
          within a week of the meeting.
          Member Secretary, IMC All meetings of the Management Committee shall be called by notice in writing by
          and under the hand of the Member-Secretary of the Committee.
          Secretary, IRC 1.All meetings of the Staff Research Council shall be called by notice in writing
          by and under the hand of the Member-Secretary. An omission to give notice or
          late receipt or non-receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the
          proceedings of the meeting.2.Action on the Proceedings of the Staff Research Council will be initiated
          immediately after the same are approved by the Chairman and circulated to
          all concerned. The Member-Secretary of the SRC will monitor the follow-up
          action, which will be reported at the next meeting of the SRC.
          Tender opening committee Opening of invited bids
          Technical evaluation committee Evaluation of technical aspects of the invited bids and selection of
          technically qualified goods
          Scientific personnel Scientific personnel are engaged in agricultural research and education
          (including extension education) whether in physical, statistical, biological
          engineering, technological or social sciences. This category also include
          persons engaged in planning, programing and management of scientific
          Technical Officers Technical personnel shall be those who perform technical service in support
          of research and education whether in the Laboratory, Workshop or Field, or
          in areas like Library, Documentation, Publication and Agricultural
          Administrative To provide administrative support for the work of the Institute.
          AO/AAO 1.General Duties2.Distribution of work among the staff as evenly as possible-that is
          3.one Assistant should not be over loaded while the other is
          4.Training. Helping the advising the staff
          5.Management and co-ordination of the work;6.Maintenance of order and discipline in the section;
          7.Maintenance of a list of residential address of the staff.
          8.Responsibilities relating to Dak
          9.To go through the receipts;10.To submit receipts which should be seen by the Branch Officer or
          11.Higher Officers at the dak stage;
          12.To keep a watch on any hold-up in the movement of dak; and
          13.To scrutinize the section diary once a week to know that it is
          14.properly maintained.
          15.Responsibilities relating to issue of drafts.
          16.To see that the draft is letter perfect i.e. all correction have been
          17.made before it is marked for issue;
          18.To indicate whether a clean copy of the draft is necessary;
          19.To indicate the number of spare copies require;
          20.To check whether all enclosures are attached;
          21.To indicate mode of dispatch.
          22.Responsibility for efficient and expeditious disposal of work and check on delays:
          23.To keep a note of important receipts with a view to watching the progress of action;
          24.To ensure timely submission of arrear and other returns;
          25.To undertake inspection of Assistants, table to ensure that no
          paper of file has been overlooked;
          26.To ensure that cases are not help up at any stage;
          27.To go through the list of periodical returns every week and
          take suitable action of items requiring attention during next week.
          28.Independent disposal of cases:-
          29.He should take independently action of the following types:-
          30.Issuing reminder;
          31.Obtaining or supplying factual information of a
          non-classified nature;
          32.Any other action which a Section Officer is authorized to
          take independently.
          33.Duties in respect of recording and indexing
          34.To approve the recording of files and their classification;
          35.To review the recorded file before destruction;
          36.To order and supervise periodic weeding of unwanted spare
          37.Ensuring proper maintenance of registers required to be maintained
          38.in the section.
          39.Ensuring proper maintenance of reference books, office orders
          etc. and keep them up-to-date.
          40.Ensuring neatness and tidiness in the Section.
          41.Dealing with important and complicated cases himself.
          42.Ensuring strict compliance with Departmental Security instructions.
          43.Assistant/Upper Division Clerk:- He works under the orders and supervision
          of the AAO/AO and is responsible for the work entrusted to him.
          44.Where the line of action on a case is clear or clear instructions have been given
          by the Branch Officer or higher officers he should put up a draft without
          much noting. In other cases he will put up a note keeping in view the
          following points:-
          45.To see whether all facts as are open to check have been correctly stated.
          46.To point out any mistakes or mis-statements of the facts.
          47.To draw attention where necessary to precedents or Rules and Regulations on the subject.
          48.To put up the Guard file, it necessary, and supply other relevant facts
          50.To bring out clearly the question under consideration and suggest a course of action wherever possible.
          AF AO 1.To exercise judicious scrutiny of all financial sanctions copies of
          which should invariably be furnished to the Finance Accounts Officer.
          2.Fixation of pay will be checked by the Finance Accounts Officer
          before any orders are issued in this behalf by the administrative
          authorities. He need not, however, be consulted at the time of sanction of
          annual increments or for the fixation of pay at the minimum of the time
          scale under the normal rules.
          3.To pre-audit all payments from the funds of the Council/Institutes
          with reference to proper sanction and budget provision.
          4.To prepare cheques for all payments and withdrawals from the Bank
          Account for signatures and counter-signatures o the officers authorized in
          this behalf, after the bills have been pre-audited and passed for payment.
          5. To maintain the Main Cash Book in respect of all receipts deposited
          into the Bank Account or payments or withdrawals made therefrom.
          6.To watch adjustment/clearance of all advances, deposits and
          Remittance transactions through objection book or separate register or
          7.To maintain Classified Abstract of all receipts and payments, and to
          render monthly accounts to ICAR by the prescribed date each month.
          8.To prepare Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates.
          9.To watch the progress of receipts and expenditure against the
          sanctioned Estimates and to caution the officers concerned as and when the
          variations are wide.
          10.To furnish to the Director (Finance), the reports/returns in the
          prescribed formats.
          11.To assist in checking of comparative statements of tenders for works
          and supplies and of quotations for other purchases.
          12.Vetting of all purchase proposals.
          13.To examine the forms of contracts, invitation to tenders etc. when
          the approved form and substance of the contract require any change.
          14.To advise on all financial matters which may be referred to him by
          the officers concerned or which may come to his notice in the course of
          scrutiny of sanctions/orders/bills etc.
          15.To watch receipt of audited statements of accounts and utilization
          certificates in respect of grants-in-aid made to outside Institutes or
          16.In respect of schemes financed by outside agencies transactions
          should be booked separately under Deposits. At the end of the year a
          statement of account should be rendered to the parties concerned duly
          certified by Audit and any excess of expenditure should be recovered
          forthwith. For any balance at credit their acceptance should be asked for
          and kept on record, until it is refunded on the termination of the scheme.
          17.With a view to giving greater flexibility of operation including
          planning for better expenditure control in the context of powers delegated
          to the Directors of the Institutes, the following procedure of remittance of
          funds to the Institute has been adopted by the Council:-
          18.To maintain the audit registers etc.
          Private Secretary/ Personal Assistant/ Stenographer 1.He should keep the officer free from the worries of a routing nature by mailing
          correspondence, filing papers, making appointments, arranging meetings and
          collecting information. He should be skilled in human relations. An officer
          has to depend on his Personal Assistant for routing jobs so as to have more
          time to devote himself of the work in which he has specialized. The personal
          Assistant should earn the trust of his officer for being entrusted with
          confidential and secret papers. He is the keeper of secrets and an Assistant
          of the boss. He should be popular with the persons who come in contact with
          his boss officially or who are helpful to his boss or who have dealings with
          the boss as professional men.
          2.Some of the more specific functions are enumerated below:-
          i)Taking dictation in shorthand and its transcription in the best manner
          ii)Fixing up of appointments and if necessary canceling them.
          iii)Screening the telephone calls and the visitors in a tactful
          iv)Keeping an accurate list of engagements, meetings etc. and
          reminding the officer sufficiently in advance for keeping them up.
          v)Maintaining in proper order the papers required to be retained
          by the officer.
          vi)Keeping a note of the movement of files, passed by his officer
          and other officers, if necessary.
          vii)Destroying by burning the stenographic record of the
          confidential and secret letter after they have been typed and issued.
          viii)Carrying out the corrections to the officers reference books.
          ix)Relieving the boss of much of his routine work and generally
          assisting him is such a manner as he may direct.
          Assistants/UDC 1.Assistant/Upper Division Clerk:- He works under the orders and supervision
          of the AAO/AO and is responsible for the work entrusted to him.
          2.Where the line of action on a case is clear or clear instructions have been given
          by the Branch Officer or higher officers he should put up a draft without
          much noting. In other cases he will put up a note keeping in view the
          following points:-i)To see whether all facts as are open to check have been correctly stated.ii)To point out any mistakes or mis-statements of the facts.
          iii)To draw attention where necessary to precedents or Rules and
          Regulations on the subject.
          iv)To put up the Guard file, it necessary, and supply other relevant
          facts and figures.
          v)To bring out clearly the question under consideration and suggest
          acourse of action wherever possible.
          LDC Lower Division Clerks are ordinarily entrusted with work or routine nature, for
          example registration of dak, maintenance of section, Diary, File Register,
          File Movement Register, Indexing and Recording, typing comparing, dispatch,
          preparation of arrears and other statements, supervision of correction of
          reference books and submission of routine and simple draft etc.
          Skilled Support Staff Providing help and support the Scientific, Technical, Administrative and
          Auxiliary categories of staff. They may be skilled, semi-skilled or
          1. Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and
          2. Exercised
            As per ICAR Delegation of Powers, ICAR Establishment & Administration Manual and orders of Director.

                                        Dr. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya, Director

          Scientist Staff Scientist Staff Scientist Staff
          Dr. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya, Director Dr.S.C.Mehta, Principal Scientist (Head) Dr. Rajesh Kumar Vaid, Principal

          Scientist (Head)

          Dr.NitinVirmani, Principal Scientist (Head) Dr. Ramesh Kumar Dedar, Principal Scientist Dr. Taruna Ananad, Principal Scientist
          Dr.Rajender Kumar, Principal Scientist National Fellow Dr. Thirumala Rao Talluri, Sr. Scientist Dr.Bidhan Chandra Bera, Principal


          Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Principal Scientist Dr. Muhammed kutty, Scientist Dr.ShanmugasundaramKaruppusamy, Sr.Scientist
          Dr.AnjuManuja, Principal Scientist Dr.RiyeshThachamvally, Sr. Scientist
          Dr.Balvinder Kumar Principal Scientist
          Dr.Anuradha Bhardwaj, Principal Scientist
          Dr.Harishankar Singha, Principal Scientist
          Miss . Ana Raj,  Scientist
          Technical Staff Technical Staff Technical Staff
          Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Assistant chief  Technical Officer Dr.Jitender Singh, Assistant chief  Technical Officer Sh. BrijLal, Technical Officer
          Sh. Ajmer Singh, STO Sh. Kamal Kumar Singh, Assistant Chief  Technical Officer
          Sh. Joginder Singh,  Senior Technical Officer Sh. NarenderChauhan, Assistant chief  Technical Officer
          Sh. Sajjan Kumar, Technical Officer
          Sh. Suresh Kumar, Technical Officer
          Sh. Mukesh Chand,  Technical Officer Sh. Om Parkash, Technical Officer
          Sh. Raj Kumar Dayal,  Technical officer Sh. S.N.Paswan, Technical Officer
          Sh. Raghbir Singh, Senior Technical Assistant Sh. Rajender Singh, Technical Assistant
          Sh. GopalNath,  Technician Assistant
          Administrative Staff Administrative Staff Administrative Staff
          Sh. Pawan Kumar, Administrative  Officer Sh. Mahander Singh, Upper Division Clerk Sh. Ashok Arora, PS
          Sh. Sunil Sharma, Assistant Administrative Officer
          Sh. Dinesh Datt Sharma, Assistant
          Sh. Om Parkash, Assistant
          Sh. Deepak Kumar, Upper Division Clerk
          Sh. Guru Datt Sharma, Lower Division Clerk
          Sh. Ishwar Chander, Lower Division Clerk
          Skilled Supporting Staff Skilled Supporting Staff Skilled Supporting Staff
          Sh. Hanuman Singh Sh. Raju Ram (EPC, Bikaner) Sh. Jai Singh (NCVTC)
          Sh. Ram Singh Sh. M.P. Meena(EPC, Bikaner)
          Sh. Ishwar Singh Sh. Ashok Kumar(EPC, Bikaner)
          Smt. Santra
          Sh. Sant Ram
          Sh. Soma Devi
          Sh. Lilu Ram
          Sh. Pawan Kumar, Administrative Officer
          1.ESTABLISHMENT SECTION 2.In-Charge: Sh.Sunil Kumar, A.A.O. (P) 1.PURCHASE SECTION

          2.In-Charge: Sh. Sunil  A.A.O. (P)

          1.STORE SECTION 2.In-Charge: Sh. Sanjeev Kumar
          Name of Officers/ Officials Name of Officers/ Officials Name of Officers/ Officials
          Sh. Dinesh Datt Sharma, Assistant 1.Sh. Sunil, AAO

          2.Sh. Deepak Kumar, UDC

          Sh. Guru Datt Sharma, LDC

          2.(DDO: Sh. Ashok Arora, P.S.)

          1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.(I/c: Sh. Sunil, A.A.O.) 1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.(I/c:Smt, Ritu  F.&.A.O.)
          Sh. IshwerChander, LDC Sh. Om Parkash, Assistant
          Smt. Soma Devi, SSS
          1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.(I/c: Dr.Balvinder Kumar, Principal Scientist) 1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.( I/c: Dr.NitinVirmani, Principal Scientist) 1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.(I/c: Dr. Taruna Anand, Principal Scientist)
          1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.(I/c: Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Principal Scientist) 1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.I/C:Sh. Ajmer Singh ACTO 1.Name of Officers/ Officials

          2.I/c.Sh. Ajmer Singh ACTO

          1.Name of Officers/ Officials 2.(I/c : Sh. Dinesh Kumar, Assistant)
          Sh. Ajmer Singh,ACTO
          Sh. Ishwar Singh, SSS
          Sh. Ishwar Singh, SSS Sh. Sajjan Kumar, TO
          Sh. Suresh Kumar, TO
          Sh. Raghbir Singh, STA
          Sh. Guru Dutt Sharma,L.D.C.

          Work allocation

    2. Procedure followed in decision making process     [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]
      1. Process of decision making Identify key decision making points
        As per hierarchical line of control depicted in the organizational setup
        By interaction with In-charges and staff.
        By interaction with stake holders
      2. Final decision making authority
        Director, ICAR – National Research Centre On Equines, Sirsa Road, Hisar
      3. Related provisions, acts, rules etc.
        General Rules; T.A. Rules; CCS (Leave) Rules; Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief; HRA and CCA; Pension Compilation; CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules; CCS (Extra-ordinary pension) Rules; Staff Car Rules; Medical Attendance Rules; CCS (CCA) Rules; General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules; Leave Travel Concession Rules; Childrens Educational Assistance; General Financial Rules; Delegation of Financial Powers Rules; House Building Advance Rules; Suspension and Rein-statement ; Overtime Allowance Rules; CCS (Revised Pay) Rules; Central Treasury Rules, Vol.I; CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965; Central Administrative Tribunal (Act, Rules and orders); Advances to Central Government Servants; Central Government Account (Receipts and Payments) Rules; Manual on Disciplinary Proceedings; Manual on Establishment and Administration; Manual on Office Procedure; Master Manual for DDOs and Heads of Offices-Part-I-Finance and Accounts; Master Manual for DDOs and Heads of Offices  Part-II-Establishment; ICAR Establishment & Administration Manual; ARS Rules; Technical Service Rules; ICAR Rules & Byelaws
      4. Time limit for taking a decisions, if any
        As per citizens charter of the NRCE
      5. Channel of supervision and accountability
        As per hierarchical line of control depicted in the organizational setup
        In-charges to oversee the activities of divisions/section
        AO, AF&AO to oversee the administrative and financial aspects.
    3. Norms for discharge of functions  [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]
      1. Nature of functions/ services offered
        Research and development activities are performed by the Scientists as per assigned targets and mandate of the Institute. (Fully met)
      2. Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery
        Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery: Established scientific standards are followed to conduct different genetic tests during conducting the tests in laboratory. The processes are well documented, standardized and validated through various scientific experiments across the world. Results are delivered through electronic as well as print modes. Electronic transfers (RTGS) is adopted for the receipt of charges against the services. All the database about the service is maintained electronically in laboratory.
      3. Process by which these services can be accessed
        Through request to the Director, ICAR-NRCE (electronic or manual application along with samples).
      4. Time-limit for achieving the targets
        45 days
      5. Process of redress of grievances
        Any grievance can be redressed through submitting an application to Director, ICAR-NRCE.
    4. Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]
      1. Title and nature of the record/ manual /instruction.
      2. List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records.
      3. Acts/ Rules manuals etc.
        As per 1.3 (iii) above.
      4. Transfer policy and transfer orders
        Transfer policy framed by ICAR is followed. The same is available on ICAR website www.icar.org.in
    5. Categories of documents held by the authority under its control  [Section 4(1)(b) (vi)]
      1. Categories of documents
      2. Custodian of documents/categories
      SI. No. Document Title Description Responsibility Periodicity of preservation
      1 Research proposals (Concept note and RPP-I) Details of proposed research projects I/c PME As per Record Retention Schedule.
      2 Research progress (RPP-II) Details of progress of research projects I/c PME -do-
      3 Research completion report (Concept note and RPP-III) Details of completed research projects I/c PME -do-
      4 Annual reports Details activities of the institute I/c Library -do-
      5 Results frame work document (RFD) Description and success indicators of various activities of the institute Nodal Officer RFD -do-
      6 RAC agenda and proceedings Agenda for RAC meetings and the committee recommendations Member
      Secretary, RAC
      7 IMC agenda and proceedings Agenda for IMC meetings and the committee recommendations Member
      secretary, IMC
      8 IRC proceedings Recommendations of the committee Member
      secretary, IRC
      9 MoU MoU for contract research consultancy and technology transfer I/c
      10 Store records Inventory of the procured goods, asset register I/c
      Central Store
      11 Purchase files Invited bids, technical selection committee comments, purchase contracts,
      installation reports and bills
      AO -do-
      12 Office orders Appointments, promotion, procurement, financial sanction AO -do-
      13 Service record Details of officers/staffs AO -do-
      14 Forms EL, Medical, LTC, GPF, Tender, Imprest, Joining report, Store requisition,
      bill adjustment etc.
      AO -do-
    6. Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority [Section 4(1)(b)(viii)]
      1. Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc.
      2. Composition
      3. Dates from which constituted
      4. Term/ Tenure
      5. Powers and functions
      6. Whether their meetings are open to the public?
      7. Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public?
      8. Place where the minutes if open to the public are available?

      As attached please.
      Constitution of present Research Advisory Committee and Institute Management Committee of NRCE is given as under:-

      Research Advisory Committee
      Sr. No. Name and Address Position Term
      1. DR. M. C. Sharma Former Director, IVRI,Izatnager Chairman As per Record Retention Schedule
      2. Dr. T.V. Anilkumar Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for medical science and Technology, Trivandrum Member -do-
      3. Prof. Mohammed Hafees, Sri Venkateswara Vety. University Tirupati Member -do-
      4. DR. B.K. Joshi Former Director, NBAGR, Karnal Member -do-
      5. Lt. Gen ( Dr.) P.R. Venkatesh RVS, New Delhi Member -do-
      6.  Dr. Ashok KumarADG(AH), ICAR, New Delhi Member Member and Nodal Officer ICAR
      7. Dr. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya, Director, ICAR-NRC on Equines, Hisar Member Director ICAR-NRCE & Member
      8. Dr. Balvinder Principal Scientist &Incharge, PME Cell, ICAR-NRC on Equines, Hisar Member Member Secretary
      Institute Management Committee
      Sr. No Name and Address Position Term
      1. Dr. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya Director, NRCE, Hisar Chairman As per Record Retention Schedule
      2. DG, DAHD, Govt. of Haryana Panchkula Member (Ex-Officio) -do-
      3. Director,Govt of Rajasthan,DAH Pashudhan Bhawan Jaipur Member (Ex-Officio) -do-
      4. VC, LUVAS Hisar Member (Ex-Officio) -do-
      5. DR. A.K. Samanta, PS, NIANP Bangalore Member -do-
      6. DR. S. Vyas, PS, NRCC, Bikaner Member -do-








      DR. G. K. Gaur, PS, IVRI Izatnagar

      Dr. Vivek Sharma PS, NDRI Karnal

      Dr. Ashok KumarADG(AH), ICAR, New Delhi

      Sh. Jagdish Chander, SF&AO, NDRI, Karnal

      Sh. Pawan Kumar Administrative Officer, NRCE









      Details of meetings of these committees as well as IRC are available in the annual reports of the institute and in the proceedings maintained with I/c PME and Administrative Officer, respectively.

    7. Directory of officers and employees  [Section 4(1) (b) (ix)]
      1. Name and designation


        S.No. Name Designation Pay Band/Grade Pay/ Pay Matrix Level Date of Birth Date of retirement
        Scientific Staff NRCE Hisar
        1. DR. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya Director
        2. Dr.NitinVirmani Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC) 26.03.1968 March, 2030
        3. Dr.Rajender Kumar Principal Scientist and National Fellow Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC) 02.08.1968 August, 2030
        4. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC) 24.04.1967 April, 2029
        5. Dr.AnjuManuja Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC) 18.12.1967 December, 2029
        6. Dr.Balvinder Kumar Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC) 13.01.1968 January, 2030
        7. Dr.AnurahdaBhardwaj Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-12(79800-211500) (As per 7th CPC) 15.09.1977 September, 2039
        8. Dr.HarishankarSingha Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-12(79800-211500) (As per 7th CPC) 06.04.1979 April, 2041
        9. Miss. Ana Raj j. Scientist Pay Matrix Level-10 57700-182400(As per 7th CPC) 11-02-1994 February, 2056
        Scientific Staff NRCE-EPC, Bikaner
        1. Dr.S.C.Mehta Head, Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC)
        2. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Dedar Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-12(79800-211500) (As per 7th CPC) 05.11.1976 November, 2038
        3. Dr.ThirumalaRaoTalluri Sr. Scientist Pay Matrix Level-12(79800-211500) (As per 7th CPC) 15.09.1979 September, 2041
        4. DR. Muhammed Kutty Scientist
        Scientific Staff NRCE-VTCC, Hisar
        1. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Vaid Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-14 (144200-218200) (As per 7th CPC) 18.06.1967 June, 2029
        2. Dr.TarunaAnand Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-12(79800-211500) (As per 7th CPC) 05.12.1980 December, 2042
        3. Dr.Bidhan Chandra Bera Principal Scientist Pay Matrix Level-12(79800-211500) (As per 7th CPC) 28.08.1975 August, 2037
        4. Dr.ShanmugasundaramKaruppusamy Sr.Scientist Pay Matrix Level-11(68900-205500) (As per 7th CPC) 19.10.1979 October, 2041
        5. Dr.RiyeshThachamvally Sr. Scientist Pay Matrix Level-11 (68900-205500) (As per 7th CPC) 30.05.1982 May, 2044
        Technical Staff NRCE, Hisar
        1. Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Assistant Chief Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 11 (Rs.67700-208700) 14.07.1970 July, 2030
        2. Sh. Joginder Singh Senior Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 10(Rs.56100-177500) 07.09.1974 Sept. 2034
        3. Sh. Ajmer Singh Senior Tech. Officer Pay Matrix Level 7(Rs.44900-142400) 02.06.1967 June, 2027
        4. Sh. Sajjan Kumar Technical officer Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 03.03.1967 March 2027
        5. Sh. Suresh Kumar Technical officer Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 04.06.1971 June 2031
        6. Sh. Mukesh Chand Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 15.03.1973 March 2033
        7. Sh. Raj Kumar Dayal Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 08.01.1979 Jan. 2039
        8 Sh. Raghbir Singh Sr. Technical Assistant Pay Matrix Level 6(Rs.35400-112400) 05.05.1968 May 2028
        9. Dr.Jitender Singh Assistant Chief Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 11 (Rs.67700-208700) 05.10.1972 Oct. 2032
        10. Sh. Kamal Kumar Singh Assistant Chief Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 11 (Rs.67700-208700) 02.10.1964 Oct. 2024
        11. Sh. NarenderChauhan Sr. Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 11 (Rs.67700-208700) 14.07.1965 July 2025
        12. Sh. BrijLal Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 06.06.1966 June 2026
        13. Sh. Om Parkash Technical Officer Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 15.04.1966 April, 2026
        14. Sh. S.N.Paswan Sr. Technical Assistant Pay Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400) 15.08.1976 Aug. 2036
        15. Sh. Rajender Singh, Technical Assistant Pay Matrix Level 5(Rs.29200-92300) 01.06.1968 May 2028
        16. Sh. GopalNath Technical Assistant Pay Matrix Level 5 (Rs.29200-92300) 14.06.1969 June 2029
        1. Sh. Pawan Kumar AO
        2. Mrs. Ritu NRCE FAO
        3. Mr. Ashok Arora P.S. Pay Matrix Level 8(Rs.44900-151100) 05.05.68 May, 2028
        4. Mr. Sunil AAO Pay Matrix Level 6 (Rs.35400-112400) 15.07.85 July, 2045
        5 Mr. D.D. Sharma Assistant Pay Matrix Level 6 (Rs.35400-112400) 28.07.70 July, 2030
        6. Mr. Om Parkash Assistant Pay Matrix Level 6 (Rs.35400-112400) 15.08.75 August, 2035
        7 Mr. Deepak Kumar UDC Pay Matrix Level 4 (Rs.25500-81100) 25.06.67 June, 2027
        8. Mr.Mahender Singh UDC Pay Matrix Level 4 (Rs.25500-81100) 08.07.73 July, 2033
        9 Sh. Guru Datt Sharma LDC Pay Matrix Level 4 (Rs.25500-81100) 01.01.66 December, 2025
        10 Sh. Ishwar Singh LDC Pay Matrix Level 4 (Rs.25500-81100) 25.12.1966 December, 2026
        Skilled Support Staff
        1. Sh. Jai Singh SSS Pay Matrix Level 4 (Rs.25500-81100) 15.01.1966 January, 2026
        2. Sh. Ram Singh SSS Pay Matrix Level 3 (Rs.21700-69100) 04.02.1966 Feb., 2026
        3. Sh. Hanuman Singh SSS Pay Matrix Level 3 (Rs.21700-69100) 01.04.1966 March, 2026
        4. Sh. M.P. Meena SSS Pay Matrix Level 3 (Rs.21700-69100) 01.01.1967 December, 2027
        5. Sh. Raju Ram SSS Pay Matrix Level 3 (Rs.21700-69100) 05.04.1969 April, 2029
        6. Sh. Ishwar Singh SSS Pay Matrix Level 3 (Rs.21700-69100) 15.07.1970 July, 2030
        6. Sh. Subhash Chander SSS Pay Matrix Level 3 (Rs.21700-69100) 12.06.1972 June, 2032
        7. Smt. Santra SSS Pay Matrix Level 2 (Rs.19900-63200) 02.02.1968 Feb., 2028
        8. Sh. Sant Ram SSS Pay Matrix Level 2 (Rs.19900-63200) 08.08.1965 August 2025
        9. Sh. Soma Devi SSS Pay Matrix Level 2 (Rs.19900-63200) 25.09.1971 Sept., 2031
        10. Sh. Lilu Ram SSS Pay Matrix Level 1 (Rs.18000-56900) 05.08.1971 August 2031
        11. Sh. Ashok Kumar SSS Pay Matrix Level 1 (Rs.18000-56900) 09.07.1980 July, 2040



        Name and designation

      2. Telephone , fax and email ID
        As per telephone directory available on institute website www.nrce.gov.in
        (Link of NRCE Directory)
      3. List of employees with Gross monthly remuneration
        As at 1.8 (i) above.
      4. System of compensation as provided in its regulations
        As per CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
    8. Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation [Section 4(1) (b) (x)]
      As per 1.8 (iii) above.
    9. Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers[Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)]
      1. Name and designation of the public information officer (PIO), Assistant Public Information (s) & Appellate Authority
      2. Address, telephone numbers and email ID of each designated official.
        1. Central Public Information Officer
        2. Dr. Riyesh Thachamvally
          Sr. Scientist NRCE,Sirsa Road, Hisar-125001 (Haryana), India
          Tel: 0166-2282577 (Off), EPABX- 519 Fax: 0166-2276217
        3. Ist Appellate Authority
          NRCE,Sirsa Road, Hisar-125001 (Haryana), India
          Tel: 0166-2282500 (Off), EPABX- 500 Fax: 0166-227621
    10. No. Of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken (Section 4(2))
      No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been 

      1. Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings
      2. Finalized for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings
    11. Programmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26) Educational programmes
      1. Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes
      2. Training of CPIO/APIO
      3. Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned
    12. Transfer policy and transfer orders [F No.38(2)/2011-Per-II dt. 20.2.2017]
      Transfer policy framed by ICAR is followed. The same is available on ICAR website www.icar.org.in
    13. Budget and Programme
      Details of disclosure 

      1. Budget allocated to each agency including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc. [Section 4(1)(b)(xi)]
        1. Total Budget for the public authority
          As per SFC 2224.00 Lakhs.
        2. Budget for each agency and plan & programmes
          Budget for each agency as per approved SFC.
        3. Proposed expenditures
          As per limit of SFC.
        4. Revised budget for each agency, if any
          Information is available in annual report of the centre for every year placed at NRCE website.
        5. Report on disbursements made and place where the related reports are available
          Audit & Accounts Section, NRCE, Hisar.
      2. Foreign and domestic tours (please link on http://nrce.nic.in) in Annual Report
        1. Budget
        2. Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department.
          1. Places visited
          2. The period of visit
          3. The number of members in the official delegation
          4. Expenditure on the visit
            Information for Sr. 2.2 ( i to ii) is available at NRCE website.
        3. Information related to procurements
          1. Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon,
          2. Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services being procured,
          3. The works contracts concluded � in any such combination of the above-and
          4. The rate /rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executed.
          5. Information for Sr. 2.2 (iii � a to d) is available at NRCE website http://nrce.nic.in
      3. Manner of execution of subsidy programme [Section 4(i)(b)(xii)]   NA
        1. Name of the programme of activity
        2. Objective of the programme
        3. Procedure to avail benefits
        4. Duration of the programme/ scheme
        5. Physical and financial targets of the programme
        6. Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted
        7. Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy
        8. Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme (number, profile etc)
      4. Discretionary and non-discretionary grants : NA
        1. Discretionary and non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./ NGOs/other institutions
        2. Annual accounts of all legal entities who are provided grants by public authorities
      5. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority [Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)]
        1. Concessions, permits or authorizations granted by public authority
        2. For each concessions, permit or authorization granted
          1. Eligibility criteria
          2. Procedure for getting the concession/ grant and/ or permits of authorizations
          3. Name and address of the recipients given concessions/permits or authorisations
          4. Date of award of concessions /permits of authorizations
      6. CAG & PAC paras [F No. PDA/CE/Veting/17-18-262-63 dated 3.10.2017]   17Nos.
        CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament
    14.  15.Publicity Band Public interface
      Details of disclosure 

      1. Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of [Section 4(1)(b)(vii)]To the extent relevant or feasible, proposals forwarded by Ministries/Departments, at times based on representations from Associations/others, are taken into consideration at the time of formulation of policy or implementation thereof.Arrangement for consultations with or representation by the members of the public
        1. Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and other documents which are normally accessed by citizens
        2. Arrangements for consultation with or representation by
          1. Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation
          2. Day & time allotted for visitors
          3. Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI applicants
            Public- private partnerships (PPP) 

            1. Details of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any
            2. Detailed project reports (DPRs)
            3. Concession agreements.
            4. Operation and maintenance manuals
            5. Other documents generated as part of the implementation of the PPP
            6. Information relating to fees, tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be collected under authorization from the government
            7. Information relating to outputs and outcomes
            8. The process of the selection of the private sector party (concessionaire etc.)
            9. All payment made under the PPP project
      2. Are the details of policies / decisions, which affect public, informed to them[Section 4(1) (c)] Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive; 

        1. Policy decisions/ legislations taken in the previous one year
        2. Outline the Public consultation process
        3. Outline the arrangement for consultation before formulation of policy
      3. Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public [Section 4(3)]Use of the most effective means of communication
        1. Internet (website)
      4. Form of accessibility of information manual/ handbook   [Section 4(1)(b)] Information manual/handbook available in 

        1. Electronic format
        2. Printed format
      5. Whether information manual/ handbook available free of cost or not [Section 4(1)(b)] List of materials available 

        1. Free of cost
        2. At a reasonable cost of the medium                                                                                                                                16 E. Governance
        3. Details of disclosure
          1. Language in which Information Manual/Handbook Available
            1. English Yes
            2. Vernacular/ Local Language Hindi
          2. When was the information Manual/Handbook last updated?
            Last date of Annual updation As soon as published
          3. Information available in electronic form [Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)]
            1. Details of information available in electronic form
            2. Name/ title of the document/record/ other information
            3. Location where available NRCE website
          4. Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information [Section 4(1)(b)(xv)]
            1. Name & location of the faculty Kisan Call Centre – ATIC
            2. Details of information made available Regarding Equine Health production& management of livestock
            3. Working hours of the facility 10.00AM to 5.00 PM
            4. Contact person & contact details (Phone, fax email) Sh. Ajmer Singh Toll Free No.:1800-180-1233 (Hisar)  1800-180-6225(Bikaner)
          5. Such other information as may be prescribed under section 4(i) (b)(xvii)
            1. Grievance redressal mechanism
              Through Grievance Committee
            2. Details of applications received under RTI and information provided
              Information is available on NRCE website
            3. List of completed schemes/ projects/ Programmes
              List available on NRCE website.
            4. List of schemes/ projects/ programme underway
              List available on NRCE website
            5. Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contract
            6. Annual Report
            7. Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
            8. Any other information such as Information is available on NRCE website.
              1. Citizen�s Charter
              2. Result Framework Document (RFD)
              3. Six monthly reports on the
              4. Performance against the benchmarks set in the Citizen�s Charter
          6. Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals [F.No PIO/NRCE/2017]
              1. Details of applications received and disposed
                Report under Section 25(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 for the period from 01.01.2020 to 31.03.2020
            1. The number of requests made to each public authority 14
            2. The number of decisions where applicants were not entitled to access to the
            documents pursuant to the requests, the provisions of this Act under which
            these decisions were made and the number of times such provisions were
            3. The number of appeals referred to the Central Information Commission or
            State Information Commission as the case may be, for review, the nature of
            the appeals and the outcome of the appeals
            4. Particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect
            of the administration of this Act
            5. The amount of charges collected by each public authority under this Act Rs.90 /-
            6. Any facts which indicate an effort by the public authorities to administer
            and implement the spirit and intention of this Act
            As per norms of the Act
            7. Recommendations for reform, including recommendations in respect of the
            particulars public authorities, for the development, improvement,
            modernization reform or amendment to this Act or other legislation or common
            law or any other matter relevant for operationalising the right to access
            1. Details of appeals received and orders issued
            2. Information is available on NRCE website.
          7. Replies to questions asked in the parliament [Section 4(1)(d)(2)] Information is available at ICAR website- www.icar.org.in
            Details of questions asked and replies given
            Uploaded on the RTI website for Public authority                                                                                         17.Information as may be prescribed
            Details of disclosure 

            1. Such other information as may be prescribed [F.No. 9-101/Misc/09/Part-3 dated 10.3.2017]
              1. Name & details of
                Current CPIOs & APIO
                Central Public Information Officer
                Dr. Riyesh Thachamvally, Sr. Scientist                                                                                                                                                 NRCE,Sirsa Road, Hisar-125001 (Haryana), India
                Tel: 0166-2282514 (Off),
                Assistant Public Information Officer
                Miss Ana Raj, Scientist
                NRCE,Sirsa Road, Hisar-125001 (Haryana), India
                Tel: 01662-282560 (Off),
              2. Earlier CPIO & APIO from 1.12.2020
                Same as above.
            2. Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure
              1. Dates of audit carried out
              2. Report of the audit carried out
            3. Appointment of Nodal Officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary/ Additional HoD
              1. Date of appointment
              2. Name & Designation of the officers
                Dr. Balvinder Kumar, Principal Scientist is the Nodal Officer of NRCE, Hisar.
            4. Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-motu disclosure
              1. Dates from which constituted
              2. Name & Designation of the officers Nil
            5. Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI
              1. Dates from which constituted
              2. Name & Designation of the Officers Nil                                                                       18.Information Disclosed on own Initiative
                Details of disclosure 

                1. Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information.
                2. Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February, 2009 and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Govt. Of India)
                  1. Whether STQC certification obtained and its validity.
                  2. Does the website show the certificate on the Website?