ICAR-National Research Centre on Equines Equine Production Campus, Jorbeer, Bikaner (Rajasthan)
Equine Production Campus is a sub Campus/regional centre for ICAR- National Research Centre on Equines, located in Bikaner, Rajasthan. This centre was established on September 28, 1989 for conducting research on improving the technologies for optimization of production potential of the equines. The campus has state-of-art laboratories for conducting research in Equine Genetics, Nutrition, Medicine, Physiology, Reproduction and Management. The Centre has the responsibility on generation of technologies for augmenting equine performance through optimization of technologies in the area of equine production and management. Thrust areas of research The activities of the campus include addressing the researchable issues on the issues related to equine health, production and management. The research activities continue to bridge the gap between basic biology and clinical applications thereby providing cutting-edge technologies and in this endeavor, the campus is undertaking several projects to address the issues related quine production sector. Currently many research programmes are underway in the areas related to characterisation of indigenous equine breeds, parentage testing equine colic, laminitis, harnessing the equine power, diagnosing the fertility and infertility in mares and stallions, cryopreservation of semen, pregnancy diagnosis, preparation of balanced diet, area specific mineral mixtures and characterisation of donkey milk for its therapeutic and cosmetic effects. Routine activities of the campus
- Exercising of equines
- Grooming and Shoeing of the equines
- Care and treatment of sick animals
- Taking appropriate biosecurity measures
- Collection and cryopreservation of semen
- Artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis in equines
The campus offers following services to equine stakeholders
- Artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis to the mares
- Cryopreservation of elite germplasm of indigenous equine breeds and species
- Distribution of germplasm to the academicians/veterinarians/researchers
- Imparting training to the equine breeders, academicians, researchers and Para veterinarians in the area equine rearing, production and management
- Organisation of health camps and farmers’ meetings for close interaction and problem solving.
- Participation in animal fairs, farmers’ fair, print and electronic media programmes for highlighting the technologies and providing various services.
- Disease diagnostic services for equine diseases
- Providing vaccines of important diseases of equines
- Advisory and problem-solving services through Toll Free Telephone
- Publishing the newsletters from time to time update about the current research programmes to the stakeholders.
- Promoting equine ecotourism for conservation and propagation of equines