Dr. Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya
It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the official website of ICAR-National Research Centre on Equines, Hisar. ICAR-National Research Centre on Equines (NRCE) has been playing an important role as a technical leader in the development of equine sector by initiating efficient R&D for equine health and production. NRCE is the only institute responsible for researches on equine production, health, management, and husbandry in the country. The activities include addressing researchable issues in disease surveillance and monitoring, diagnosis, prevention, production including reproduction, nutrition, feeds and fodder, developing value-addedproductsand all aspects of management and husbandry as well as policy and planning, enhancing awareness among stakeholders about equine husbandry practices and bio-security.
Despite the decreasing population of equines in India, the economic impact of equids is appreciable. There is a tremendous potential for growth and development of equines in India. Donkey has been used historically as a working animal, as draught or pack animal, and will continue in this direction, along with mule, especially in hilly and difficult terrains. Donkey Milk is a nutritious food, since time immemorial, and has been reported to have medicinal, nutritious and cosmetic properties. The equine industry has got unlimited potential in terms of contribution to the country’s GDP, through racing and other equine events as well as the breeding of best quality thoroughbred horses for this industry world over. The exploitation of these potentials and to create new opportunities would be the objective of NRCE.
The main campus of the Centre at Hisar (Haryana) has state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities for undertaking research in all areas of equine health. Our sub-campus at Bikaner (Rajasthan) undertakes research on equine production including conservation. Currently, the Centre is undertaking research projects in leading areas of equine health and production including externally funded projects. The Centre is in process of attaining OIE International Reference Laboratory status in the field of equine piroplasmosis, equine influenza and glanders by the process of twinning with international laboratories in Japan, UK and Germany. Recently, our Equine Piroplasmosis Laboratory has been accreditated as per NABL ISO:17025-2005 guidelines and now ready to apply to OIE for award of International Reference Laboratory.
The ICAR-NRCE has landmark achievements in the development of diagnostics and prophylactics for major equine diseases. It undertakes nation-wide monitoring and surveillance of equine infectious diseases in order to manage, control and eradicate diseases. The Centre through it continuous surveillance programme established that equines in India were free of African horse sickness and OIE in 2014 declared India as AHS free country. It has successfully controlled the re-emerging diseases such as glanders and equine Influenza in the recent past. The Centre has also been recognized as a National Referral Centre for diagnosis of important equine infectious diseases including exotic diseases by the Govt of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, New Delhi. The Centre has also been working towards characterization of different breeds of equines and has finalized the breed descriptor for the Marwari horses for their registration into the stud book. The cryopreservation of semen and artificial insemination technology has been perfected to augment production of superior quality Marwari horses, mules and donkeys.
National Centre for Veterinary Type Cultures (NCVTC) centre was established in June 2005 and serving as a national repository of microorganisms of animal origins from different regions of the country. Currently, our microbial repository has more than 4000 accessioned animal microbes. NCVTC is supported by 14 network units throughout the country to serve as a biological resource not only for the present generation but also for the posterity. NCVTC is committed to enhancing the livestock production and productivity; food safety and nutritional security; efficient utilization of resources and reducing methane production by livestock, and sustaining animal, human and ecosystem health by way of providing a valuable microbial resource developed over a period of time. Development of the state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure and research, of international standard, envisioned in the document would keep the NCVTC in pace with other international agencies and would help in becoming the world leader.
I am confident that with the dedicated cadre of scientific community we will contribute unabatedly to the rich scientific legacy of NRCE to outshine nationally and globally in the years ahead. I invite you to our campus and look forward to your company as our joint partner in the inclusive progress of the nation.