Organizational Setup
The Centre is governed by ICAR through Deputy Director General, Animal Science Division and its Management Committee. Besides, Research Advisory and Staff Research Councils support the functioning of the Centre by evaluating progress and formulating the research programmes and activities. The research activities of the Centre are organized in two broad disciplines, namely Equine Health and Equine Production, which are dealt under Equine Health and Equine Production Units, respectively. The Equine Health Unit (EHU), located at the main campus, Hisar, is responsible for the research related to health of the equines. The sub-campus at Bikaner is mainly devoted to equine production related research activities and accordingly designated as Equine Production Campus (EPC). Research activities of both units are supported by a Basic and Supporting Disciplines Unit (BSDU). Each of the above units comprises a team of scientists having specialized training in their fields. The Centre also utilizes the services of external experts in evaluation and formulation of its research activities, as and when required. The research activities are supported by centralized services like administration, accounts and finance, animal and agriculture farms, library and ARIS Cell.